Course curriculum

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Senior Instructor Pamela Stambaugh

Accountability Pays Founder and President Pamela Stambaugh has advised business leaders for 30 years to improve performance, productivity and results. Her specialties are executive coaching and team facilitation. Clients have included CBIZ, GE Healthcare, McKesson Specialty Health, Hallmark, SKF worldwide, Coca-Cola in Greece, and Efes Pilsen in Turkey to name a few. Pamela is a Managing Partner of Harrison Assessments Talent Solutions, which is a cutting-edge assessment solution for all aspects of the talent lifecycle, from hiring “A” players to succession planning and engagement and retention analysis. She has authored two business books and spoken and trained around the world. Pamela is a graduate of Lewis and Clark College (Portland, OR) and earned her MBA at the University of San Diego. Community service includes Landmark Education coaching, mentoring a USD MBA student each year, and President of the Advisory Council of the University Club’s Distinguished Speaker Series.